Staff Sergeant Patrick Sims (retired) was born into a family of 7 children and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He served for 13 years in the United States Air Force, being deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan during his military career. He is the founder of Wounded Healers, LLC ( and Invisible Wounds, a nonprofit organization focused on healing the invisible wounds of war and active duty. Additionally, SSgt Sims supports active-duty members and veterans who combat anxiety. He is also invested in suicide prevention and other vital mental health services for current and former service members. Sgt Sims resides in Virginia with his wife. He is the father of two boys.
Blurb - Covid Apocalypse
A lot had changed since then, and though such a time felt so long ago, the changes had not necessarily been for the better. With the outbreak of yet another variant of the SARS-CoV-2 in 2025, which had been confirmed to be genetically combined and mutated with the Ebola virus, many countries quickly realized that better things could result from their foreign policy than a World War 3. Even the supposed superpower states were reminded of their stark mortality in the presence of an even greater pandemic.
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